Tuesday, 6 January 2015

How to Re-Vamp Sun Faded Wicker Storage Baskets

I've had a couple of these wicker storage baskets on the windowsill in my bathroom for a couple of years now and the sun had really faded the red colour, so I decided to spruce them up a bit!

As you can see, the sun had really bleached out the colour! All you need is some acyrlic paint and a small paint brush. My Husband and I are huge Tim Burton fans, so I decided to go for a black and white stripe. Also, by using acrylic paint, it gives the wicker more of a waterproof barrier =)

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Cleaning Mold Off Of Tile Grout - Tips Tuesday

Hi everyone, I sure have missed blogging on here, so I have decided to start adding weekly, home related blog posts.

I'm going to start with a weekly 'Tips Tuesday' or 'Tutorial Tuesday', beginning this week with 'cleaning the mold off of tile grout'.

We have a big mold problem in our bathroom! It's horrid! We don't have an extractor fan in there (this is something we will add when we replace our bathroom), so we have to have the window open constantly. Now that the weather is turning cold again, this is causing a problem and bringing the mold back with a vengence!

We had purchased a really expensive mold spray from B&Q which stank of bleach, so I thought, why not just try bleach? So I bought a 2ltr thin bleach from Sainsburys (which was about 40p) and a pack of cheap toothbrushes from Poundland:

I then went to work...



So, as you can see, it worked really well. If you're going to try this, make sure you have all the windows open =)

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Re-Launch Day!

Hi everyone, I hope you like the new look blog/website! I've spent most of the day doing it and as it's just gone 10pm here, I think I'm going to call it a night.

I'll be uploading some items to our Etsy shop tomorrow.

I hope you're all enjoying your weekends,
Lots of love,
Kate x

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Where have I been?

Hi guys, please let me apologise for my lack of blog posts this month. I started a new module on my BA Honours in Business Studies in February and it has completely taken over my life.

I have a lot to update on here and items to add to my Etsy shop, which I am hoping to start getting up together in the next couple of weeks.

I've started scheduling coursework and my blogging (for here and my other blogs) on a weekly basis, so once my time is organised better, I will be updating Emily Joan on a frequent, if not daily basis (whether that is a blog post or social media).

I am also going to be doing a weekly post, like I had been doing with the Pinterest Wednesday posts. but I will insted be doing tutorials, recipes, as well as the odd Pinterest post.

I also want to revamp the blog a bit, so it's all coming soon, so you will hear from me shortly =)

I hope everyone is doing really well xxx

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Wire Shapes - Pinterest Wednesday

Hello hello beautiful people =) It's that time of the week again for Pinterest Wednesday.

This week I had been thinking about having a play about with wire. It has been a while since I have done any jewellery making as I have been concentrating on coursework for a while, so it was great to get my tools out and have a play about with some wire.

I got the inspiration after seeing this pin:

I had a little play about this afternoon and made an 'E' and a 'Z':

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Re-growing fruit and vegetables - Pinterest Wednesday

Hi guys, I hope you're all doing well =)

For this weeks Pinterest Wednesday post, I decided to try out something I have been thinking about for a while after seeing pins like these:


After I'd eaten all the leaves from my swiss chard, I decided to give it a go! I placed the base in a bowl of water and put it on the windowsill in my kitchen.

I left it alone, other than changing the water on Saturday, and here is a photo I took of it today:

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Valentine's Day Card - Pinterest Wednesday

Hey guys, I hope you're having a fantastic week. The weather here is awful at the moment, high winds and lots of rain. Still, it's nice to have some snuggle time at home in the cold winter evenings with your loved ones, and with loved ones in mind, this weeks Pinterest Wednesday post is for Valentines Day.

I know some people don't really do Valentine's Day. We don't really. We (as I'm sure most people) think that you don't need to be told by the shops that it's time to show your other half that you care, for that one day... Saying that though, it is nice to take the day/evening out to specifically spend time with your other half.

We don't tend to spend any money around Valentine's Day. We might have a nice meal or take away at home with a homemade card and present.

It's with this in mind that I decided to make this card, after seeing this pin:

I really liked the fact that you could come up with things specific for your partner =)

Here is the one I've made for my gorgeous Husband:

Are you making anything homemade for Valentine's Day? We'd love to see it if you have! Let us know on our Facebook page or please comment with any blog links below =) xxx